DIY Toys

STEM Education



Those DIY high tech toys below are several projects I made when working at Littlebits for the company's open source library. The purpose of these projects are to inspire makers to learn technololgies by prototyping with the company's modular electronics.

My Role

Indusctrial Designer

My daily work was to paticiapte brainstorm for weekly new ideas, design and develop selected ideas, write education articles for these projects.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors is an animatronic hand that can play this rock paper scissors game with human beings.

Click here to check the article I wrote about how to make it

Remote Pet Feeder

Remote pet feeder is a internet controlled fish feeder to help you feed your pets remotely no matter whereever you are.

Click here to check how to make it

Two-Way Communication Satellite

This project is inspired by satelllites. By using wireless comuncation and IR LED, this project to make sure your satellites solar panels always catch the most light.

Click here to check how to make it